Monday, December 30, 2019

Analysis Of Hawthorne s The Colony - 1100 Words

Chapter 1 (I) 1. Hawthorne calling the colony a â€Å"utopia† is him being sarcastic and mocking society because society is anything but perfect. The founders of the colony are in a false pretense that their colony will be just as they visualize it with everything flawless and perfect. This is what they think yet their first step in their utopia is to make a cemetery and a prison. A cemetery represents death, so the founders are already expecting death to come before their colony has even begun. A prison would be made to hold criminals, as though the founder already know there will crooks and wickedness in their faultless and perfect colony. Hawthorne is mocking the colony when he calls it a â€Å"utopia† and showing that nothing is ever perfect. †¨ 2. A cemetery and a prison are the two most vital structures in the utopian colony. The prison is to hold the people who have wronged and stop them from interfering in the excellence and virtue of the colony. Crimes are expected so the colony has a prison built in advance to maintain their imaginary society of perfection. The cemetery is to hold the dead, because death is always to come no matter what.†¨ 3. He points out the rose bush because it is symbolizing hope and prevalence against the darkness. The plant is â€Å"blooming† despite the prison near it, which represents sins and wrongs. It also continues to grow even with the oaks and pines trying to cover it and take up the light. Hawthorne is sending out a message that even though thereShow MoreRelatedNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1543 Words   |  7 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthorne s short story of Young Goodman Brown, the author uses symbolism and allegories in order to showcase the Puritan faith as well as man s conflict between good and evil. This analysis will break down the techniques that the author uses to critique the puritan society and to show the difference between how people appear to be in society and the true colors that they are hidden inside of them. There has been a lot of great authors in our time, but none more interesting thanRead MoreAnalysis Of The Scarlet Letter 972 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of The Black Man In The Scarlet Letter Symbolism is the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. In the novel â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, symbolism is the main feature of the story. Symbolism is used throughout the novel to describe every object in the story from the characters to the rosebush to the scarlet letter itself. One of the major symbols in â€Å"The Scarlet Letter† is the black man, who can not only beRead MoreSymbols In The Scarlet Letter1023 Words   |  5 PagesKaci Peeler Ms. Ortiz, Period 4 English Language and Composition AP 06 June 2017 The Scarlet Letter Analysis In the book, â€Å"The Scarlet Letter,† by Nathaniel Hawthorne, many symbols can be found. Hawthorne uses symbols such as the scarlet letter itself, which could represent things like determination, hard work, and a punishment. Another symbol he uses is the forest and the wilderness, which represents Hester and Pearl’s freedom from society as they explore the forest. The last symbol that seemedRead MoreSymbolism, Use Of Color, And Themes Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1657 Words   |  7 PagesAmerican Literature for Nathaniel Hawthorne s skillful use of symbolism and allegory. The novel is also said to be the greatest accomplishment of American short story and is viewed as the first American psychological novel, which makes Hawthorne win an incomparable position in American Literature. Hawthorne’s â€Å"unique gift† for using this kind of skills taps into the roots of man s moral nature and gives vivid explanation of the implications in his w orks (Lei). Hawthorne is outstanding for his skillfulRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1492 Words   |  6 Pagesorder to showcase the Puritan faith as well as man’s conflict between good and evil. This analysis will breakdown the techniques that the author uses to critique the puritan society, and to show the difference between how people appear to be in society and the true colors that they are hidden inside of them. There has been a lot of great authors in our time, but none more interesting than Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne’s ability to write stories using complex language and early puritan society narrativesRead MoreEssay on Pearl in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne771 Words   |  4 PagesPearl in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Hesters daughter, Pearl, functions primarily as a symbol. She is quite young during most of the events of this novel—when Dimmesdale dies she is only seven years old—and her real importance lies in her ability to provoke the adult characters in the book. She asks them pointed questions and draws their attention, and the readers, to the denied or overlooked truths of the adult world. In general, children in The Scarlet Letter are portrayedRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1389 Words   |  6 PagesJimmy Hawthorne Mrs. Almack AP English 4 10/1/14 Marxism is a secular method for analysis focusing on class relations and societal conflict, which can be used to analyze The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Prussia on May 5, 1818 to Heinrich and Henrietta Marx. He explored sociopolitical theories and became a journalist creating socialist writings causing him to be banished from Germany and France. Marx is the creator of the Communist Manifesto which was publishedRead MoreHistory1484 Words   |  4 Pagesconquerors settled the New World, commenting on what worked, what did not work, and the consequences of those methods The Spanish official ‘s remark could mean that the primary reason for the conquest of a foreign territory is to look for lands in order to find new places to inhabit and develop . In other words , the conqueror must expand a kingdom ‘s territory by finding new places wherein some of its citizens could transfer to these new regions and establish themselves by developing the landsRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne1389 Words   |  6 PagesIf we look at the setting in The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, it is a 1600s puritan settlement in New England. This particular place is the Massachusetts Bay Colony, where, as depicted in The Scarlet Letter, is bound by the strict rules of the Puritans. We can see that internal struggle is planted in people’s minds because of their punishment, and specifically, Hester Prynne. We can see that Hester’s punishment, however, has helped her internally to become a better, independant personRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter Socratic Seminar Questions2549 Words   |  11 Pagesexample of the consequences the Puritans suffered. Public displays of punishment were used to both teach the criminal a lesson and to show the other members of the community that what was done shouldn’t be repeated. Question 2: Complete a character analysis of the three main characters: Hester, Arthur, and Roger. Hester: In this novel, Hester is the protagonist. She is also the mother of Pearl. Due to her adulterous affair with Arthur Dimmesdale, she is forced to wear the Scarlet A on her chest as

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Invisible Man By. Ellison - 1383 Words

Raplh Ellison’s Invisible Man is an example of African American who is dealing with racism against African Americans in the USA. The main character, the narrator, go through the novel with nameless which allows him to show his life experiences with a certain degree of detachment, yet, at the same time offering the reader to see his unique perception of the events that take place throughout the novel. Invisible Man Ralph Ellison filled theme, make a deeper reading of the text is an interesting task. One theme is the seriousness of racist apartheid in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s of. As an educated African-Americans in the South and the North in the great era of racial repression, it is difficult to be seen as the invisible man scholars believe that he really could become a power. This can be seen in many places including the white community leaders how to invisible people in 10 African-Americans being used as a recreation of the southern town in the novel, in which the form of invisible people live and in high school. Preconceived notion of white men so that they see dozens of black men because there is so much meat, they can be fun, they have they do terrible things to themselves and one another. These people are not just the typical uneducated white men, they are there, bankers, lawyers, judges, doctors, fire chiefs, teachers, businessmen, even a more fashionable pastor. Where black men were cast eye, hit another program called whites in attendance over howShow MoreRelatedThe Invisible Man By Ellison862 Words   |  4 PagesIn response to police brutality, The Invisible Man was written by Ellison demonstrated that through his life racism was entirely present. Ellison, in fact, was faced with police brutality throughout the novel. Ellison wrote a scene in which his narrator dealt with police brutality after giving a speech at an eviction. The police threatened to shoot him and beat all of them. Ellison wrote that his character had known it was due to the racism during the time period. Even so, t he rest of the novel involvedRead MoreInvisible, Invisible Man, By Ralph Ellison1994 Words   |  8 PagesInvisible Race and Gender in Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison In Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, the unnamed narrator shows us through the use motifs and symbols how racism and sexism negatively affect the social class and individual identity of the oppressed people. Throughout the novel, the African American narrator tells us the story of his journey to find success in life which is sabotaged by the white-dominated society in which he lives in. Along his journey, we are also shown how the patriarchyRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1366 Words   |  6 Pagesfighter left standing, amidst unbridled carnage. The titular narrator of Ralph Ellison s novel Invisible Man, is no stranger to those experiences. In the beginning, he is forced to fight several other black boxers for the amusement of many heckling, white spectators. Through the imaginative use of objects, symbols, allusions, and the actions, thoughts, and purposes of the spectators, pugilists and risquà © entertainment, Ellison seeks to express a powerful image of American race rel ations and women sRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1277 Words   |  6 PagesInvisible Man, by Ralph Ellison, is a story about a young African American man whose color renders him invisible. The theme of racism as a hurdle to individual identity is present throughout the story in a variety of examples. From the beginning of the novel the theme of identity is evident as the narrator states, â€Å"All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what I was† (Ellison, p. 1254). In the midst of living in a racist American society the speakersRead MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison3051 Words   |  13 Pagesportrayed through the narrator’s, the invisible man, journey through life. The problems with society are foreshadowed by the racism and the symbols of the color white presented in the paint plant. â€Å"The Invisible Man† by Ralph Ellison depicts the African Americans struggle to be viewed as an equal membe r of society through the narrators struggles through life to discover his individuality or place in society while the white man or the community conspires to â€Å"keep the black man down†. The story follows theRead MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison977 Words   |  4 PagesBook Review: Invisible Man Invisible Man is an American Literature novel published by Ralph Ellison in 1952. The novel traces the experiences of a young college black man growing up in Harlem, New York. Attempting to succeed in a predominantly white society, the narrator encounters shocks and disillusionments from being expelled from college to hiding in an underground hole to protect himself from the people above. He lives a repressed life as an â€Å"Invisible Man† for he believes that society ignoresRead MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison Essay1613 Words   |  7 Pagesvary from person to person, but often members of the same race are subject to the same expectations. Ralph Ellison’s novel Invisible Man explores the intersections of race and power, especially in a society that is very community oriented, as seen when the actions of an individual are reflected on other members of the race as well. Although Ellison’s protagonist â€Å"the Invisible Man† and other black men d escribed in the novel, on several occasions behave how they are supposed to, however their superiorsRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1032 Words   |  5 Pagesmodern society some people leads, and others will follow. Subjects will conditionally generate their own ideas and realize these ideas rather than just be assigned tasks that question their beliefs. The author Ralph Ellison illustrates it best. Ellison’s realistic fiction Invisible Man perpetuates the manifestation of manipulation over the minorities in this society. As the narrator embraces every identity he has been given, he starts to become more independent, and a leader in his community. WithRead MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison Essay2164 Words   |  9 Pagestrying to rebel against the status quo. Protest literature emerged from the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920’s to 1930’s. Protest literature is used to address real socio-political issues and express objections against them. In his novel, The Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison exposes the racism in society by focusing on the culture, in regards to the expected assimilation of African Americans and how the time period largely influenced the mistreatment of the African American population. He also uses symbolsRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1246 Words   |  5 Pagesauthor of Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison, was born March 1st, 1914, and died April 16, 1994. He was born in Oklahoma City and named after Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous journalist and poet. When Ellison was 3, his father died of a work-related accident, leaving his mother to care for him and his younger brother. As a young boy, he al ways wanted to major in music, and he went to Tuskegee University to become a composer and performer of music. The summer before his senior year in college, Ellison went to

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Write a Cause and Effect Free Essays

Just Because. . . We will write a custom essay sample on How to Write a Cause and Effect or any similar topic only for you Order Now That’s Why Writing Cause and Effect Essays What is a cause and effect essay? The basis of cause and effect writing is to show that certain actions cause certain results or effects. As a writer, you can approach the topic two different ways. You can set out to prove that certain known causes will have a certain effect. Or you can approach it from the other direction, setting out to prove that a particular effect was due to certain causes. Be careful to avoid some logical fallacies here. Don’t assume that an effect has only one cause, and don’t assume that a cause has only one effect.Also, don’t assume that because one event precedes another event in time that it necessarily caused the other event. You have to establish the link between the cause and effect, not merely assume it. How do I write a cause and effect essay? 1. Identify the person, thing, condition, or action that tends to bring about a certain result. 2. Your thesis (main idea) is to explain and prove the cause and effect relationship. 3. If there are multiple causes leading to a certain effect, or multiple effects from certain causes, use these separate causes and effects as your guideline in paragraph formation. What can I write about? Does buying â€Å"cheap† pay off? Why did dinosaurs become extinct? What caused a particular war? What is the cause of war generally speaking? Why do kids cheat in school? What is the result of cheating in school? What causes global warming? What could be the result of global warming? What are the good and bad effects of â€Å"curiosity†? â€Å"Experience is the best teacher. † True or false? What causes delinquent children? The Bible says that the truth can make you free. How? What causes stress or depression among teenagers?What will be the future effect(s) of a choice you make today? What are the causes of a particular disease? What are the causes of unhappiness? What are the causes of happiness? How does drinking caffeine affect you? How does smoking affect you? How does smoking dope affect you? What would be the effect of legalizing marijuana? How does lack of sleep affect you? What particular incidents or actions in a novel (play, mo vie, short story, etc. ) led to what happened in the end? What makes a person become a criminal? What might be the future effect of learning a foreign language?What will be the future result of learning to play the piano? How will quitting piano lessons affect the future? What would be the effect of legalizing illegal immigrants? Where can telling lies lead? How might technology change schools in the future? Someone once said there is no such thing as an accident. Is this true or false? Why do we forget some things but remember others? What causes tornados? (Or other weather phenomena like lightning, hail, snow, etc.? ) Why do certain advertising campaigns work or not work? Why are certain people so gullible?What might be the causes of certain phobias? What are some of the unfortunate effects of having certain phobias? Causes and/or effects of air pollution? What makes ____________ popular? Why children run away? Causes of divorce Causes of break-ups How to succeed in ______________ ____ Causes of failure in __________________ Causes of the downfall of ______________ The effects of reading good literature The personal effect of participating in sports Why the airlines are struggling Causes of teenage driving mishaps What makes a successful relationship/marriage?Discuss this Spanish proverb: it is better to lose a moment of life than to lose life in a moment Why people follow bad leaders Why people buy dumb things Why people follow mindless traditions/customs The causes of poverty What, if anything, could eliminate poverty in the world? The causes of world hunger? What, if anything, could eliminate world hunger? Why are certain laws or rules necessary Special thanks to Lind Williams (PHS) Why do most jobs that women have pay less than most jobs that men have? What causes most accidents around the house? What causes violence? How and why did language begin?What causes a person to become ___________ Why might a good man break a particular bad law? Why might a good man obey a particular bad law? What might be the cause of a particular bad law? What might be the effect of a particular bad law? What causes police brutality when it occurs? What causes child abuse? Why do some people hate English? Why do some people hate math? Why do some people dislike_________? Why do some people like ___________? What causes a bully’s behavior? What is (or will be) the effect of a particular technological advance on society? Why don’t wild animals trust us?Why do you feel/not feel at home at ____________? Why does laughter keep you mentally healthy? What causes some people to be accident prone? What is the root cause of embarrassment? What does excessive television viewing lead to? What makes us laugh and why? How and why would athletes from two opposing teams both pray for victory? Why do most people vote as they do? Why do people fall in love? Why do people own pets? Why do people lie? What are the main causes of early death? Why do hunters hun t? Why do some people become vegetarians? Why do some people pursue particular careers? Why do people like to travel?Why do people like to play games/sports? Why don’t people from different social groups get along? What doesn’t cause______________? What isn’t an effect of _______________? Why are some people obsessed with __________? What is the effect of being obsessed with________? Explain why a certain plan failed Explain why a certain plan succeeded Explain the success/failure of a particular business Explain why people eat at McDonalds (or wherever) Explain why people do â€Å"extreme† sports Why is a particular book/author popular? What causes loneliness? What makes people happy? Why would someone join a gang?Why do people like scary movies? Why do people like amusement park rides? Why do schools have summer breaks? Why are graduation requirements what they are? Why do young people tend to like different music than old people? What makes a neighborh ood get â€Å"run-down†? What are the causes of homelessness? What could end homelessness? What causes conflict between racial groups? What would bring about racial harmony? Ways to achieve peace in _________________ What is the effect in one’s life of believing or not believing in God? Is it generally a good idea or a bad idea for people from different religions to marry?Why should you or shouldn’t you give up your seat to someone in a crowded bus or room? What is the effect of good/bad manners? What explains the way people sign their names? How does individual behavior affect society? How and why does â€Å"peer pressure† affect people’s behavior? Think of a particular rule or law and discuss the possible results of keeping it or breaking it? How does one respect or disrespect nature, and what are the results? What makes a person â€Å"attractive† to others? What makes you like to be with someone? If you were trying to develop the perfect athlete in a particular sport, how would you train them?Why are so many Americans overweight? Why is the sky blue? Really. What causes the color? Why do leaves turn color in the fall? What creates a happy family? What is the formula for a good movie? What does it have to have? How to cite How to Write a Cause and Effect, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Arts. Different Kinds of Folk Dances Essay Example For Students

Arts. Different Kinds of Folk Dances Essay The following are examples of popular Philippine folk dances Biannual Originated in Panamanian Province meaning with the use of drinking glasses, this vibrant dance basically shows off balancing skill of the performers. Glasses filled with rice wine are placed on the head and on each hand carefully maneuvered with graceful movements. This dance is common in weddings, fiestas and special occasions. Rigatoni Originated from Spain, this dance is commonly performed at formal affairs like inaugural balls where prominent members Of the government participate and enjoy. Fandango as Alluvial The word fandango comes from the Spanish dance fandango ¶characterized with lively steps and dipping while following a varying beat. Fandango requires excellent balancing skill to maintain the stability of three tinning, or oil lamps, placed on head and at the back of each hand. This famous dance of grace and balance originated from Lubing Island, Indoor. Subliminal The term subsoil is from two toggle words subs meaning falling on head and Bali, which means broken. Hence, the dancers appear to be lame and crooked throughout he dance. This version is originally a ritual dance of the natives of Anna, Battings, which is shown during fiestas as a ceremonial worship dance to the towns icon, the holy cross. Karats Commonly performed during testicles in Boll and other Visalia towns, this dance portrays a young playful couples attempt to get each others attention. It is performed in a moderate waltz style. Its-its According to history of this dance, a young woman named Kananga (short for Catenae) happened to be the best performer in the province of Surging del Norte. At one baptismal reception, she was asked to dance the Sickbay, and began improvising her steps in the middle of her performance imitating the movements of an its, a duck, as it walks with choppy steps and splashes water on its back while attracting its mate.